How can we Help?
A fully functional search system.
Most comon Questions we Get
Frequent Questions
We get asked these questions a lot, so we made this small section to help you out identifying what you need faster.
Is this a PWA?
Yes. Our item is a PWA. We have a servier worker and a manifest.json file ready and prepared for you to use the item offline.
Is this a Cordova App?
No, but we have a ready built version in our portfolio and you can convert it to Cordova yourself. It's really simple.
Is this a WordPres Theme?
No. Our item is a HTML, CSS3 and JS Site Template. You can however convert it to a WordPress Theme.
Is this built with Boostrap?
Yes! We include 2 versions, one built with Boostrap, and a much more flexible and powerful custom AJAX version.